First you need to know how many types of room card in pubg and bgmi so there are different types of room card are present in the both versions on the game first.
First is normal room card in this room card player are Abe to create only one room in this room card because this is one time room card that's why you need more room card to more create rooms.
7 days normal room card this room card are capable to create unlimited room for 7 days you don't need to use so many room card. You are able to create unlimited room when the macth is end then you creat again so this is the power of this card.
This is 1 day unlimited room card with the help of this card you are able to create multiple rooms for one day you can get this card free in the royale pass but you have to purchase while pass not free version paid version then you are about to to collect this card and use.
So in pubg and bgmi there are also advance room card but we are not discussed about that because of those cards are paid that's why we are not discussed about it.
So first room card is normal room card this is used for only create one room card only you need to more room card to create multiples rooms but on the other hand you have unlimited room card then you are not able to create many room cards you are a way to create many rooms in only one room card.
So here's a guide I hope this guide help you.
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